Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Why did you create this site?
Answer: We wanted to make the first OSTKREUTZ fanpage worldwide and we wanted to collect all our AOR missions and activities here.
Question: Why is there a "t" in the "kreuz" in OSTKREUTZ?
Answer: With the "t", it rocks much more! It's like the second "m" in Rammstein.
Question: Does Maximum sing exact the same lyrics live like they are on CD?
Answer: He stays texttreu, but he always changes some parts. He spontan decides to use words like AOR BOCHUM in his live performances. you can't compare the live show and the album. A live show is always a new experience for you!
Question: What is the AOR BOCHUM's favourite Bier?
Answer: It is Moritz Fiege Bier and 5.0 Original.
Question: Since when do you know OSTKREUTZ?
Answer: Since the Dir En Grey Konzert in Köln. Days before the concert Andrei Popov saw OSTKREUTZ on their homepage and liked them immediately.
Question: Why is massage never played live?
Answer: This song isn't in the programm because it sleeps at the moment!
Question: Where does the name OSTKREUTZ comes from?
Answer: It comes from the big Verkehrsknotenpunkt Ostkreuz in Berlin.
Question: Do you search new AOR BOCHUM members?
Answer: We are searching always for new members! If you are from Bochum and you like OSTKREUTZ, then send us an electronic mail! Maybe we will take some special members from other cities in near future, too!
Question: Are you crazy?
Answer: Yes!
Question: May I send you some Vorschläge for your "OSTKREUTZ ist..." Kategorie?
Answer: YES, we are happy about every Vorschlag!